Thursday 8 October 2015

Chronicle-Wire Tutorial (Part 1): The Basics

Chronicle-Wire is a library written by Chronicle that allows a Java developer to serialise Java objects. It's a library we developed to support our higher level products like Chronicle Queue and Chronicle Map. However the library has applications in any code that uses serialisation.

At this point you're wondering what's new about serialisation why another library... Serialisation is hardly a novel concept in Java. In fact Serializable has been in Java since jdk1.1 - so almost forever :)

The real innovation behind Wire is that it abstracts away the implementation of the serialisation to a pluggable Wire implementation.  The idea is that your objects need only describe what is to be serialised not how it should be serialised. This is done by the objects (the POJOs that are to be serialised) implementing the Marshallable interface.  

It is only at the point of serialisation that you decide how that serialisation is actually implemented by selecting a particular Wire implementation to provide to the process.

Let's look at an example of this which will hopefully make this concept much clearer:

This is the output from the program:

-----------TEXT WIRE------------

Person to serialise: Person{name='dan', age=44}
Text Wire prints:
name: dan
age: 44
Deserialised person: Person{name='dan', age=44}

-----------BINARY WIRE------------

Person to serialise: Person{name='dan', age=44}
Text Wire prints:
00000000 C4 6E 61 6D 65 E3 64 61  6E C3 61 67 65 2C       ·name·da n·age,  
Deserialised person: Person{name='dan', age=44}

-----------RAW WIRE------------

Person to serialise: Person{name='dan', age=44}
Text Wire prints:
00000000 03 64 61 6E 2C                                   ·dan,            

Deserialised person: Person{name='dan', age=44}

What should be clear here is that the class Person is in no way responsible for how its data is serialised.  That is done by the various implementations of Wire.

  • TextWire - serialises to text for a humanly readable format
  • BinaryWire - serialises to a self describing binary format
  • RawWire - serialises to a compact binary format

Person is only responsible for choosing the data that is to be serialised and describing the type of that data.  You will notice that Wire has a very large list of types which allow for maximum efficiency (e.g. int8(), int16() ) that can achieved by certain Wire implementations.

Whilst in the example above Person is serialised to Bytes (for more information on Bytes see here) you can actually serialise to whatever format you want. All you have to do is to implement the Wire interface.  (It is not necessary to provide an implementation for the methods if not appropriate.)

As well as obvious serialisation formats such as JSON, YAML, csv you can also create some rather bizarre ones as well. For example I created an LDAPWire which serialises objects into Attributes that can be stored into an LDAP database.  In this case I only implemented the text() methods of Wire.

This chart (scroll down) compares a couple of the Wire implementations with the competition. As you can see it compares favourably with SBE and Capt'n Proto.


  1. I was looking something good on the Chronicle wire as my interest grew up after reading about it. I am basically a newbie and intend to learn more about Java.

  2. This is done by the objects (the POJOs that are to be serialised) implementing the Marshallable interface. 3V0-752 dumps

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