Monday, 19 January 2015

Maven tip: Release Without Deployment

This is how you do a Maven release, as simple as this:

mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform

This will move you up a version in your code. Say, for example your last released version is 1.2 (meaning the pom.xml on HEAD is on 1.3-SNAPSHOT), by default your release version will be moved to 1.3 and the version on the pom.xml on HEAD will be moved to version 1.4-SNAPSHOT.

A nice feature is that if you use the flag -dryRun=true on either of the above commands you can go through all the steps without any of the files being checked in. It gives you an opportunity to examine the changes to the pom.xml files before you go through with the commit.

To facilitate the release procedure you need to have these lines configured in your highest level pom.xml file.

  <url> com:YourRepository.git</url>

By default the code will be built and deployed to a server.  Typically you will want to deploy to Maven Central or to a local Nexus server.  This is done using the releaseProfiles property in the maven-release-plugin.

But this will not always be the case.  If you just want to do a release of the code, to Git for example, and not deploy the code anywhere you need to override the default maven-release-plugin goal property, which by default is set to deploy and set it to install as below:



  1. Thanks a lot. Saved a hell lot of headache

  2. Hello, is there any way to do the other way around, deploy to nexus without deploy any change to the SCM?

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